How to apply SPoKE POETRY
What you need to know
Competition Rules
Entrants must be in full time education in years 11, 12 or 13 (16-18 yers old) at the date of application. Entrants are welcome from any discipline.
The film should be about 5 minutes in length.
SPoKE will not upload complete submitted films for public view over the internet and therefore it is not necessary for candidates to prove copyright permission for images or music used in the films. Some extracts of submitted films may be uploaded to SPoKE operated social media platforms but only when the creator has given permission for this in their Declaration Form.
All scripts must be the candidate’s own work.
The main criteria for the judges will be how the accompanying visuals (student’s own footage, graphics, animation or other techniques) reflect or complement the subject matter, themes or poetic techniques within the poem itself. The other criteria focus on technical competence: sound quality, editing, transitions and quality of images.
Students must also submit a short written commentary (500 words max) on how their film captured the power or tone of their chosen poem.
It is important that all images and sound recordings are of good quality.
How to apply
Films should reach SPoKE by 6pm on 25 November 2024.
We recommend submissions are made using www.wetransfer.com. We will not accept submissions using youtube or dropbox.
Please ensure your film file
title is your name.All applicants must fill in and sign the Declaration Form when submitting their film. This should be done online.
Contact Tom Parsons on tom@spokecompetition.com for more information.