SPoKE Art Documentary Deadline:
31 January 2025

SPoKE is an art historical documentary film competition designed to challenge students to link the visual and the verbal in an imaginative and creative manner, underpinned by solid academic research.

Any one work (painting, sculpture, drawing, print, multimedia, conceptual or performance art, building) may be chosen as the subject of the film.

There are three age categories: 17-18 years old; 15-16 years old; up to 14 years old.

Films should be 5-7 minutes in length for 17-18 years, 5-6 minutes for 15-16 years, 3-4 minutes for up to 14.

17-18 years

First Prize = £200

Second Prize = £100

Third Prize = £50

Fourth Prize = £50

up to 14 years

First Prize = £50

Second Prize = £25

Third Prize = £10

Fourth Prize = £10

15-16 years

First Prize = £100

Second Prize = £50

Third Prize = £25

Fourth Prize = £25

The 2024 Competition Winners

  • FIRST PRIZE: Amara O'Neill

    Amara’s first prize film looked at Sutapa Biswas’ Housewives with Steak Knives

  • SECOND PRIZE: Maddie Parker

    Maddie won the second prize with her film on Chris Ofili’s Requiem

  • THIRD PRIZE: Penelope Ceccato

    Third prize went to Penelope for her film on Romaine Brooks’ Le Trajet

  • FOURTH PRIZE: Emma St George

    Fourth prize was won by Emma for her film on Marina Abramović’s Rhythm 0

SPoKE 2024 Compilation

This film features short clips from every submission from 2024.