“I have been hugely impressed by the initiative and creativity shown by our students when offered the challenge of the SPoKE project. For us, the emphasis on independent research and learning, coupled with the encouragement to engage with a hands-on national project, is hugely exciting. It is also so rewarding to watch the self-confidence and personal belief that develops with this kind of invitation.”
— Sarah Philips, Head of History of Art, Godalming College
“I remember on the night watching the amazing other films in reverse order and thinking that I didn’t stand a chance on winning or even being placed. I actually couldn’t bring myself to words when my film was announced in first place. It’s a moment I’ll carry with me forever. I want to thank all of those involved in SPoKE. I’m so grateful to have had this experience and I recommend to anyone considering entering next year to go for it, even if you’re nervous at the start just like I was. The competition is such a brilliant idea of combining art history with documentary. It’s an experience I’ll be forever grateful for.”
— Holly Hanson, Winner of SPoKE 2018
“My teacher recently did a talk at the Tate Modern aimed at teachers and she screened my film in one of the cinemas there- it's amazing to think that my film has been on a big screen in a cinema. We aim for the upcoming films to be used alongside the new History of Art A-Level to help give teachers and students a starting point when approaching new material.”
— Amber Bardell, Winner of SPoKE 2017
“SPoKE is a great way to encourage students to engage in the wider conversations about art - every student of art history should take part in this competition.”
— Helen Oakden, Head of History of Art at St Mary’s School Ascot
“I thought the winning films were really very impressive: creative, challenging, engaged. It’s a wonderful competition.”
— James Gay-Rees, produced of Senna and Amy, Oscar winner and SPoKE judge 2015